Acoustic Baffle is a panel that is hanging on the ceiling vertically in a row, the materials can be polyester fiber acoustic panel or fiberglass board.
Baffle akustikoa kolore eta forma desberdinetakoa izan daiteke, soinua xurgatzeko taula trinko eta porotsuz egina dago, ingurumena errespetatzen duena, usainik gabea, eranskailurik gabea edo gainazalean bustia. maiztasun osoko soinua xurgatzeko funtzioa oso esanguratsua da.
Acoustic Baffle is widely used in many public places like hospital, hotel, office, cinema, home theatre, auditorium, meeting room, multi-function room, conference room, interrogation room.
Kalitate handiko poliester sabaiko baffle akustikoa Qdboss Txinako fabrikatzaileek eskaintzen dute. Erosi poliesterrezko sabaiko bafle akustikoa, kalitate handikoa eta prezio baxuarekin.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaKalitate handiko Diy Ceiling Acoustic Baffles ekoizle profesional gisa, ziur egon zaitezke Qdboss Diy Ceiling Acoustic Baffles erosiko duzula eta salmenta osteko zerbitzu onena eta puntualki entrega eskainiko dizugu.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaQdboss Txinako Office Ceiling Acoustic Baffle fabrikatzaile, hornitzaile eta esportatzaile liderra da. Jendeak Office Ceiling Acoustic Baffle egiten duenean eraikin baten barruan, hormak ez ezik, sabaia ere tratatu behar dira. Material asko erabil daitezke sabai akustikorako, hala nola artile mineraleko sabaia, beira-zuntzezko sabaia, egurrezko sabaia, beira-zuntzezko sabaia.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaWhen people do Office Acoustic Baffle to the inside a building, not only the walls need to be treated, but also the ceiling. Many materials can be used for the acoustic ceiling, such as mineral wool ceiling, fiberglass ceiling, wood ceiling, fiberglass ceiling.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaThe Acoustic Ceiling Baffle is a panel that is hanging on the ceiling vertically in a row. And they can be in different colors and shapes, it is made of dense and porous sound-absorbing board by hot pressing and needle punching of polyester fiber. Its full-frequency sound-absorbing function is very significant
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaThe Sound baffle panel is a panel that is hanging on the ceiling vertically in a row. And they can be in different colors and shapes, it is made of dense and porous sound-absorbing board by hot pressing and needle punching of polyester fiber.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsulta