1. Produktuaren aurkezpena DIY panel akustikoen
DIY acoustic panels is getting popular recently. People like to make the acoustic treatment by themselves. And polyester fiber panel is a good material for DIY. Polyester fiber panel is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, which is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching. The product has the characteristics of decoration, heat preservation, flame retardant, environmental protection, light weight, easy processing, stability, impact resistance and easy maintenance. Become the preferred sound-absorbing material for interior decoration.
2. Specification of DIY acoustic panels
Core |
Poliesterrezko zuntza |
Thickness |
9mm 12mm |
Size |
1220x2420mm |
Weight |
1,2-2 kg / m² |
0.9-0.95 |
Feature |
Suaren aurkako eta Akustikoa |
3 .Features of DIY acoustic panels
Dekoratzailea: panela tamaina eta forma desberdinetara moztu daiteke CNC ebaketa-makinaren bidez
Su-atzeratzailea: ASTM E84 saiakuntza A maila
Sound absorption: NRC0.7-0.95 with different air gap
Kolpearen aurkako erresistentzia, garbiketa erraza, iraunkorra, isolamendu termikoa, birziklatutako materiala eta ekologikoa. Beira-zuntzezko ohiko panel akustikoaren ordezko aproposa da
4. Qualification of DIY acoustic panels
We have 7 modern workshops and production line, with patent technology to make the stable products. Qdboss produces flame retardant DIY acoustic panels, fabric wrapped fiberglass acoustic panel, fiberglass acoustic ceiling.
5. Delivery and Shipping Service of DIY acoustic panels
Qdboss DIY panel akustikoak kartoi iraunkorretan josita daude, segurua da kamioiez, itsasoz eta hegazkinez bidaltzea. Qdboss fabrika Jiaozhou-n dago, Qingdaon, ordubete baino ez dago Qingdao portu ospetsura eta Qingdao Jiaodong nazioarteko aireportura. Etxeko bidalketa kostuak aurreztu eta entrega azkarra eta erosoa eman dezake
6. Further processing of the DIY acoustic panels
The finished panel is 2420*1220mm, rectangle shape. We have the blade cutting station and laser cutting machine. And the panel can be cut to different sizes such as 1200x1200, 1200x600, 600x600, 300x300, or in round, hexagon shape, or any irregular shapes.
Lau ertzak alakatu daitezke, lotura zatiek modu naturalagoan ematen dute horrela horman.
Kolore zuria ereduekin edo irudiekin inprimatu daiteke, apaingarriagoa izan dadin.
7 Nola instalatu DIY panel akustikoak
1 1. Before construction, you need to pay attention to the problem of board selection and layout, and you need to pay special attention to the slight color difference. On the side of the paste, find the center and draw the cross line, and the way of scheduling is Similar to the way of laying bricks. However, it should be noted that during the entire process, you need to wear gloves for construction to avoid pollution.
2. When cutting the board, a steel ruler and a utility knife are usually used to better cut and modify the board. If it is necessary to reduce the seam, the blade needs to be inclined by 0.5~1mm, which can effectively reduce the gap.
3. Itsatsitzerakoan, latex zuria edo berezkoak ez diren erabilera orokorreko kola erabil ditzakezu, zementuari edo zurezko oinarriari modu eraginkorragoan itsatsi ahal izateko eta denbora gehiago beharko da erabiltzeko.