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100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel
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100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, which is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching.

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1. Product Introduction of 100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, which is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching. The raw material used in the polyester fiberboard is polyester fiber cotton, which is made by special technology, showing the shape of cocoon cotton. When the noise is below 4000HZ, it can achieve complete sound insulation and has a very good sound insulation effect. And it is a green product. It is also very convenient in daily maintenance and easy to clean. If you want to choose sound insulation and acoustic materials, polyester fiberboard is the most suitable.


2. Specification of 100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel


Polyester Fiber


9mm 12mm








Flame retardant and Acoustic


3.% 100 poliester zuntzezko panel akustikoaren aplikazioak

Poliesterrezko zuntzezko panela oso erabilia da arlo hauetan: zinema, antzerkia, osasun zentroa, merkatal guneak, klubak, hezkuntza gela, estadioa, etxeko dekorazioa, bulegoa, bafla, etxeko antzokia, bilera gela. Ingurune segurua, polita eta atsegina eskain dezake barruko jendeari.

4. The Advantage of Qdboss Acoustic 100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

Qdboss Acoustic-ek patentatutako teknologia du poliester zuntzezko panela ekoizteko garaian suaren atzera egiteko. Esan nahi da, gure panela ekoizpenaren ondoren suaren kontrakoa dela. Errendimendua FR zuntzez osatutako panela bezain ona da, kostua erdia da. Galtzerdi metodo zaharra ez bezala, ekoizpena egin bezain laster antolatu dezakegu bidalketa. Ingurune lagun gehiago, usainik gabe, ez pegatina edo gainazalean bustita.


5. Qualification of 100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

7 tailer eta ekoizpen lerro moderno ditugu, patenteak teknologiarekin produktu egonkorrak egiteko. Qdboss-ek% 100 poliesterrezko zuntzezko panel akustikoa sortzen du suaren aurkako materiala, oihalezko beira-zuntzezko panel akustikoa, beira-zuntzezko sabaia akustikoa.

6.Loading Quantity of 100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

The full size polyester panel can be loaded 800 pieces in 20ft container.

The full size polyester panel can be loaded 1600 pieces in 40ft GP container.

Tamaina osoko poliester panelak 1900 pieza karga daitezke 40 ft HC ontzian.

Poliesterrezko panela tamaina txikira mozten bada kantitate gehiago karga daiteke.

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