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Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels
  • Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels

Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels

Poliesterrezko zuntzezko panel apaingarri apaingarriei poliester zuntzezko soinua xurgatzeko panel dekoratiboa ere deitzen zaio, hau da, prentsa beroaren bidez eta orratzak zulatzearen bidez lehengai gisa poliester zuntzez egindako soinu xurgatzeko funtzioa duen material apaingarri mota.

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Produktuaren Deskribapena

1. Poliesterrezko zuntz apaingarriko panel akustikoen produktuaren aurkezpena

Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, which is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching. The product has the characteristics of decoration, heat preservation, flame retardant, environmental protection, light weight, easy processing, stability, impact resistance and easy maintenance. Become the preferred sound-absorbing material for interior decoration.


2. Poliesterrezko zuntz apaingarrizko panel akustikoen zehaztapena


Poliesterrezko zuntza


9mm  12mm




1,2-2 kg / m²




Suaren aurkako eta Akustikoa


3 .Features of Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels

Decorative: the panel can be cut to different size and shape by CNC Cutting Machine

Su-atzeratzailea: ASTM E84 saiakuntza A maila

Soinu xurgapena: NRC0.7-0.95 aire tarte desberdinekin

Impact resistance, easy to clear, durable, thermal insulation, recycled material and Eco- friendly. It is an ideal replacement for the traditional fiberglass acoustic panel


4 .Applications of Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels

The polyester fiber panel is widely used in the following areas: Cinema, theater, healthcare center, shopping malls, clubs, education room, stadium, home decoration, office, baffle, home theater, meeting room. It can provide a safe, quite and delightful environment for the people inside.

5. The Advantage of Qdboss Acoustic Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels

Qdboss Acoustic has the patent technology to make the polyester fiber panel flame retardant during production. That’s to say, our panel is flame retardant after production. The performance is as good as the panel made of FR fibers, while the cost is half. Unlike the old socking method, we can arrange the shipment as soon as the production. More environment friends, no smell, not sticker or wet on the surface.


6. Qualification of Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels


7 tailer eta ekoizpen lerro moderno ditugu, patenteak teknologiarekin produktu egonkorrak egiteko. Qdboss-ek suaren aurkako poliester zuntzezko panel apaingarri akustikoak ekoizten ditu, oihalezko beira-zuntzezko panel akustikoa, beira-zuntzezko sabaia akustikoa.

7. Poliesterrezko zuntz apaingarrizko panel akustikoen entrega eta bidalketa zerbitzua

Qdboss Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels is packed in durable cartons, it is safe to be shipped by truck, sea and plane. Qdboss factory is located in the Jiaozhou, Qingdao, only one hour drive to the famous Qingdao Port and Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport. It can save the domestic shipping cost and provide fast and convenient delivery


8. Poliesterrezko zuntz apaingarriko panel akustikoen tratamendu gehiago

The finished panel is 2420*1220mm, rectangle shape. We have the blade cutting station and laser cutting machine. And the panel can be cut to different sizes such as 1200x1200, 1200x600, 600x600, 300x300, or in round, hexagon shape, or any irregular shapes.

The four edges can be beveled, the connecting parts looks more natural on the wall in this way.

The white color can also be printed with patterns or pictures, to make it more decorative.



G: Negoziazio enpresa edo fabrikatzailea zara?

A: Qdboss panel akustikoen fabrikatzaile profesionala da. Eta ongi etorri gure fabrika bisitatzera


Q: How long is your delivery time?

A: Orokorrean kolore guztiak ditugu stockean, beraz, bidalketa ahalik eta azkarren antolatu dezakegu. Garai gorenean 5-15 egun kantitate handian badaude


G: Poliesterrezko zuntzezko dekorazio panel akustikoen laginak ematen al dituzu? doakoa edo estra da?

A: Yes, we could offer the sample for free charge, clients only needs to pay the freight.


G: Zein da zure ordainketa baldintzak?

A: T / T edo L / C


G: Zenbat kolore daude eskuragarri dekorazioko poliester zuntzezko panel akustikoetarako

A:  Qdboss can produce more than 40 colors of the Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels


G: Egin al dezakezu OEM kolorea panel akustikorako

E: Bai, kantitate jakin batekin, nahi dugun kolorea egin dezakegu



G: Nola bidaliko dituzu salgaiak?

A:  Our factory is close to the Qingdao Sea port and Qingdao Jiaodong International airport, we can ship by sea or by air.


10 poliester zuntz dekorazioko panel akustikoen paketatzea

We have standard carton packing for the full size polyester fiber panel (1220x2420*9mm), 10 pieces per carton, and the carton size is 2450x1250x105mm. Custom size cartons can also be made according to the sizes required by the client. And non-fumigation pallet can also be used upon request


11 Loading Quantity of Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels

Tamaina osoko poliester panelak 800 pieza 20 oineko ontzian karga daitezke.

The full size polyester panel can be loaded 1600 pieces in 40ft GP container.

The full size polyester panel can be loaded 1900 pieces in 40ft HC container.

Poliesterrezko panela tamaina txikira mozten bada kantitate gehiago karga daiteke.


12 Zergatik aukeratu Qdboss poliester zuntzezko dekorazio panel akustikoak?

1. Qdboss has ten years production experience for acoustic panels

2. Milaka proiektu ditugu gure kalitate ona eta zerbitzua frogatzeko, batez ere zinema industrian. Top 10 zinema kateek gure zinema panel akustikoa erabiltzen dute

3. 7 workshops and experienced workers to ensure the fast and production and delivery

4. 24/7 panel akustikoari buruzko edozein zalantza eskuratzeko

5. SGS proben txosten multzo osoa eskuragarri suaren, erresistentzia termikoaren eta formaldehidoaren askapenetarako

6. Qdboss etxean eta atzerrian hainbat marka ospetsuren hornitzailea da

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