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Poliesterrezko zuntz akustikoa horma-estaldura horma-panelak 3D Manufacturers

Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. , established in 2008, which is one of China Polyester Acoustic Panel, Fiberglass Ceiling, Acoustic Baffle manufacturers, the leading supplier of acoustical materials product and fire retardant fabric used in architectural and industrial applications throughout the country. We are the supplier of Beijing Olympic National stadium "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube". 

Produktu beroak

  • Zinemazko oihalak bildutako panel akustikoak

    Zinemazko oihalak bildutako panel akustikoak

    QDBOSS Cinema Fabric Wrapped Acoustic Panels use high quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. This type of acoustic panel is environmental friendly, widely used, sound absorption, well decorative, easy installation, no dust pollution etc.
  • Beira-zuntz mineraleko sabaiko teila akustikoak

    Beira-zuntz mineraleko sabaiko teila akustikoak

    QDBOSS Beira-zuntzezko sabai akustikoen teilek kalitate handiko beira-zuntz akustikoa duten panelak erabiltzen ari dira, eta gure CNCarekin forma ezberdinetan moztu, hainbat arlotan erabil daiteke, hala nola hoteletan, bulegoan, merkataritza-guneetan, zinema-aretoetan. Zuntz Mineraleko Sabai Akustikoen Teilen ekoizpen-ahalmena eguneko 10.000 m²-koa da eta proiektu akustiko handien oinarrizko eskaria ase dezake.
  • Zuntz mineraleko sabai akustikoak

    Zuntz mineraleko sabai akustikoak

    QDBOSS Zuntz mineralezko sabai akustikoen teila sabaia akustiko tradizionala da, hala nola, bilera-aretoan, bulegoan, aretoetan erabiltzen dena. Sabai akustikoa forma eta kolore ezberdinetan egin dezakegu.
  • Zinema Sabaia Akustikoa

    Zinema Sabaia Akustikoa

    QDBOSS Cinema Acoustic Ceiling is made by centrifugal fiberglass board with fiberglass felt (black, white or customized color). The acoustic ceiling edge was solidified with eco-friendly resin to increase durability and stability.
  • Ehun Akustikoa

    Ehun Akustikoa

    The Acoustic Fabric with fiberglass is the ideal panel to be used in public place, especially for those places For example, Cinema, theater, healthcare center, shopping malls, clubs, education room, and stadium, canteens, and leisure center. It can reduce the sound reverberation and make the sound more clear
  • Auditorioko Panel Akustikoa

    Auditorioko Panel Akustikoa

    QDBOSS Auditorium Acoustic Panel uses top quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. The various colors and finish choices, can satisfy all the customer’s acoustic and decoration requirement.

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