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Acoustic Panel

Acpanel oikoa is used for sound absorbing and decorative, there are many types of acpanel oikoa materials like polyester fiber acpanel oikoa, wood acpanel oikoa, fiberglass acpanel oikoa, Aluminum acpanel oikoa and etc.

Acpanel oikoaZinema, antzerkia, osasun zentroa, merkataritza guneak, klubak, hezkuntza gela, estadioa, etxeko dekorazioa, bulegoa, bafle, etxeko antzerkia, bilera gela barne erabiltzen da leku askotan.

Acpanel oikoa apaingarriagoak izan daitezen forma eta eredu desberdinetara pertsonaliza daiteke, fabrikak panelaren gainazalean inprimatu dezake, produktu ekologikoa eta berritzailea da.

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DIY Noise Reduction Panel

DIY Noise Reduction Panel

DIY Zarata Murrizteko Panela tenperatura altuarekin eta presio altuarekin sintetizatzen da orratzak puntzonatzeko prozesuaren bidez, eta porositatea% 90etik gorakoa da.

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Polyester Acoustic Dampening Panels

Polyester Acoustic Dampening Panels

Polyester Acoustic Dampening Panels are synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%.

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Poliesterrezko Soinua Murrizteko Panelak

Poliesterrezko Soinua Murrizteko Panelak

Polyester Sound Dampening Panels are synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%.

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Polyester Acoustic Panel Painting

Polyester Acoustic Panel Painting

Polyester Acoustic Panel Painting is synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%.

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Print Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

Print Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

Print Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel is synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%. We also have patent technique for permanent fire retardant with our acoustic panels.

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Poliesterreko hosto akustikoa

Poliesterreko hosto akustikoa

Polyester Acoustic Leaf is cut from the polyester fiber panel. It is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching.

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Txinan egindako beherapenaren Acoustic Panel CE ziurtagiria ez ezik, Qdboss-etik pertsonalizatu eta handizkako salmenta ere eskuratu daiteke. Gure fabrika Txina Acoustic Panel fabrikatzaileetako bat eta Txina Acoustic Panel hornitzaileetako bat da, prezio baxuko edo aurrekontu merkeko produktuen zatirik handiena handitu eta eros dezazun. Erosi nahi baduzu, prezioen zerrenda emango dizugu.
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