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Pertsonalizatutako {gako-hitza} Qdboss-etik gauzatu daitekeen bezeroen eskakizuna betetzeko. Txinako Theater-Blend-Fabric fabrikatzaileen eta Txinako Theater-Blend-Fabric hornitzaileen artean, gure fabrikak CE ziurtagiria gainditu zuen, kalitateaz kezkatu eta deskontu produktuak konfiantzarekin erosi ahal izateko. Halaber, prezio baxua edo aurrekontu merkea duten produktuen zatirik handiena handizkako salmentan eros dezakezu. Erosi nahi baduzu, prezioen zerrenda emango dizugu.
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Cinema Room Fabric

Cinema Room Fabric

Cinema Room Fabric used for cinemas room must be flame retardant, it would keep the clients safe in case of fire and reduce the mortality and loss. Secondly the fabric has be sound absorbing. Cinema rooms are usually very large, if there is no acoustic treatment, there would be much echo and reverberation during the films, it would cause bad watching experience for the audience.

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