1. Produktuaren Studio soinu panelen aurkezpena
Jende askok bere estudiorako tratamendu akustikoa egitea gustatzen zaio. Ondoren, panel akustikoa beharrezkoa da. Poliesterrezko zuntzezko panela estudioko soinu-panel gisa ekoizten dugu. Erregai gabeko mikroporozko tratatutako poliester zuntz bereziz egina dago. Dekoraziozko oihalen kolore eta eredu ugari daude aukeran. Mundu osoan oso erabilia izan den material akustikoa izanik, soinu xurgapen propietate bikainak dituela frogatu du. Itxura ederra eta eskuzabala da, eta ez da sentimendu bero eta dotorerik falta. Produktu honek zarata murriztu ez ezik, erreberberazio denbora diseinu akustikoaren estandarrera ere iritsi daiteke, NRC> 0,8, doiketa akustikoa komenigarria da eta erabiltzaileei irtenbide akustiko onena eman diezaieke. Eskakizun akustikoez gain, barruko espazio bakoitzak bere jarduera artistikoa du. Poliesterrezko zuntzak soinua xurgatzen duten taulen akaberak aberatsak eta koloretsuak dira, erabiltzaileen eskakizun bakoitzaren arabera formulatu daitezkeenak, zure helburuak lortzeko aukera handiena eskainiz. Ingurumenaren soinuaren kalitatea hiru dimentsioetan osotu, argiagoa eta aberatsagoa izan dadin.
2. Specification of Studio sound panels
Muina |
Poliesterrezko zuntza |
Thickness |
9mm 12mm |
Neurria |
1220x2420mm |
Weight |
1,2-2 kg / m² |
0,9-0,95 |
Feature |
Flame retardant and Acoustic |
3 .Applications of Studio sound panels
The polyester fiber panel is widely used in the following areas: Cinema, theater, healthcare center, shopping malls, clubs, education room, stadium, home decoration, office, baffle, home theater, meeting room. It can provide a safe, quite and delightful environment for the people inside.
4. Qdboss Acoustic Studio soinu panelen abantaila
Qdboss Acoustic has the patent technology to make the polyester fiber panel flame retardant during production. That’s to say, our panel is flame retardant after production. The performance is as good as the panel made of FR fibers, while the cost is half. Unlike the old socking method, we can arrange the shipment as soon as the production. More environment friends, no smell, not sticker or wet on the surface.
5. Qualification of Studio sound panels
We have 7 modern workshops and production line, with patent technology to make the stable products. Qdboss produces flame retardant Studio sound panels, fabric wrapped fiberglass acoustic panel, fiberglass acoustic ceiling.
6 Packing of Studio sound panels
We have standard carton packing for the full size polyester fiber panel (1220x2420*9mm), 10 pieces per carton, and the carton size is 2450x1250x105mm. Custom size cartons can also be made according to the sizes required by the client. And non-fumigation pallet can also be used upon request
7 Studio soinu panelen kopurua kargatzen
The full size polyester panel can be loaded 800 pieces in 20ft container.
The full size polyester panel can be loaded 1600 pieces in 40ft GP container.
Tamaina osoko poliester panelak 1900 pieza karga daitezke 40 ft HC ontzian.
Poliesterrezko panela tamaina txikira mozten bada kantitate gehiago karga daiteke.