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Poliester Hexagonoaren zarata panela Manufacturers

Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. , established in 2008, which is one of China Polyester Acoustic Panel, Fiberglass Ceiling, Acoustic Baffle manufacturers, the leading supplier of acoustical materials product and fire retardant fabric used in architectural and industrial applications throughout the country. We are the supplier of Beijing Olympic National stadium "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube". 

Produktu beroak

  • Auditorioko Panel Akustikoa

    Auditorioko Panel Akustikoa

    QDBOSS Auditorium Acoustic Panel uses top quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. The various colors and finish choices, can satisfy all the customer’s acoustic and decoration requirement.
  • Kanpoko suaren aurkako horma-estaldura

    Kanpoko suaren aurkako horma-estaldura

    Ongi etorria zaituztegu gure fabrikara etortzea azken salmenta, prezio baxua eta kalitate handiko kanpoko suaren aurkako horma-estaldura erosteko, Qdboss-ek zurekin lankidetzan aritzea espero du.
  • Acoustic Felt Wall Panel

    Acoustic Felt Wall Panel

    Feltro akustikoko horma-panela tenperatura altuak eta presio altuak eratzen dute orratzak puntzonatzeko prozesuaren bidez, eta porositatea% 90etik gorakoa da.
  • Hexagon Polyester Acoustic Panel

    Hexagon Polyester Acoustic Panel

    Hexagon Polyester Acoustic Panel is a new type of decorative sound-absorbing material, which is made of dense and porous sound-absorbing board by hot pressing of polyester fiber.
  • DIY Noise Reduction Panel

    DIY Noise Reduction Panel

    DIY Zarata Murrizteko Panela tenperatura altuarekin eta presio altuarekin sintetizatzen da orratzak puntzonatzeko prozesuaren bidez, eta porositatea% 90etik gorakoa da.
  • Polyester Sound Baffle

    Polyester Sound Baffle

    When people do the Polyester Sound Baffle to the inside a building, not only the walls need to be treated, but also the ceiling.

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