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Ehun Akustikoa
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Ehun Akustikoa

The Acoustic Fabric with fiberglass is the ideal panel to be used in public place, especially for those places For example, Cinema, theater, healthcare center, shopping malls, clubs, education room, and stadium, canteens, and leisure center. It can reduce the sound reverberation and make the sound more clear

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Produktuaren Deskribapena

1. Product Introduction of Acoustic Fabric



2. Ehun Akustikoen zehaztapena










0.6-0.95 with fiberglass


Flame retardant


3 .Applications of Acoustic Fabric

The flame retardant fabric with fiberglass is the ideal panel to be used in public place, especially for those places For example, Cinema, theater, healthcare center, shopping malls, clubs, education room, and stadium, canteens, and leisure center. It can reduce the sound reverberation and make the sound more clear


4 Qualification of Acoustic Fabric


7 tailer eta ekoizpen lerro moderno ditugu, patenteak teknologiarekin produktu egonkorrak egiteko. Qdboss-ek suaren aurkako oihal akustikoa sortzen du, oihalezko beira-zuntzezko panel akustikoa, beira-zuntzezko sabaia akustikoa. Suaren aurkako prozesuaren metodo desberdinetarako produkzio lerro desberdinak ditugu, hala nola, kartoi estaldura prozesua, suaren aurkako beratze prozesua, beira-zuntzezko ehuna prozesua, bezeroen eskakizun desberdinak asetzeko.



5 Nola funtzionatzen du suaren aurkako oihalak?

The common fabric is not flame retardant, we can make it flame retardant by some further process, such as soaking in chemicals, FR yarn, and carbon coating. In practice, activated-carton coating is the most advisable choice. The main component is graphite, which is flame-retardant. Graphene is a key national support project. The expansion rate of graphite is 300, which can expand instantly when exposed to high temperatures, preventing oxygen from contacting textiles, smoking and reducing smoke density. Carbonized in fire, no dripping, environmentally friendly flame retardant product

Activated carbon coating foaming machine, uniform coating, good air permeability, impervious to glue


6 Zergatik aukeratu Qdboss ehun akustiko akustikoa

1. Qdboss has ten years production experience for acoustic panels, flame retardant fabric and melt blown fabric

2. Milaka proiektu ditugu gure kalitate ona eta zerbitzua frogatzeko, batez ere zinema industrian. Top 10 zinema kateek gure zinema panel akustikoa erabiltzen dute suaren aurkako oihalarekin.

3. 7 workshops and experienced workers to ensure the fast and production and delivery

4. 24/7 panel akustikoari eta ehunei buruzko edozein zalantza eskuratzeko.

5. SGS proben txosten multzo osoa eskuragarri suaren, erresistentzia termikoaren eta formaldehidoaren askapenetarako

6. Qdboss is the supplier for several famous brand at home and abroad

Hot Tags: Acoustic Fabric, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesale, Buy, Factory, Customized, China, Made In China, Cheap, Discount, Low Price, Buy Discount, Price, Quotation, CE

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