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Beira Artilea Sabai Akustikoetarako Manufacturers

Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. , established in 2008, which is one of China Polyester Acoustic Panel, Fiberglass Ceiling, Acoustic Baffle manufacturers, the leading supplier of acoustical materials product and fire retardant fabric used in architectural and industrial applications throughout the country. We are the supplier of Beijing Olympic National stadium "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube". 

Produktu beroak

  • Poliesterrezko sabaiko bafle akustikoa

    Poliesterrezko sabaiko bafle akustikoa

    Kalitate handiko poliester sabaiko baffle akustikoa Qdboss Txinako fabrikatzaileek eskaintzen dute. Erosi poliesterrezko sabaiko bafle akustikoa, kalitate handikoa eta prezio baxuarekin.
  • Polyester Fiber Acoustic Board

    Polyester Fiber Acoustic Board

    Polyester Fiber Acoustic Boards are made of non-combustible, microporous treated special polyester fiber. There are a variety of colors and patterns of decorative cloth to choose from.
  • Suaren aurkako hormako estaldura

    Suaren aurkako hormako estaldura

    Suaren aurkako hormako estaldurak orratz puntzonaketa eta beste prozesu batzuen bidez egiten dira, zuntz desberdinak elkarri lotu eta korapilatu daitezen ehuna estandarizatzeko, ehuna biguna, potoloa, lodia eta zurruna izan dadin, lodiera desberdinak lortzeko erabileraren eskakizunak betetzeko. , Moztuta, erroiluetan ontziratuta.
  • Fiberglass Acoustic Panels

    Fiberglass Acoustic Panels

    QDBOSS Fiberglass Acoustic Panels use high quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. This type of acoustic panel is environmental friendly, widely used, sound absorption, well decorative, no dust pollution, easy installation and etc.
  • Kanpoko suaren aurkako horma-estaldura

    Kanpoko suaren aurkako horma-estaldura

    Ongi etorria zaituztegu gure fabrikara etortzea azken salmenta, prezio baxua eta kalitate handiko kanpoko suaren aurkako horma-estaldura erosteko, Qdboss-ek zurekin lankidetzan aritzea espero du.
  • Cinema Room Fabric

    Cinema Room Fabric

    Cinema Room Fabric used for cinemas room must be flame retardant, it would keep the clients safe in case of fire and reduce the mortality and loss. Secondly the fabric has be sound absorbing. Cinema rooms are usually very large, if there is no acoustic treatment, there would be much echo and reverberation during the films, it would cause bad watching experience for the audience.

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