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Poliesterreko hosto akustikoa
  • Poliesterreko hosto akustikoa Poliesterreko hosto akustikoa
  • Poliesterreko hosto akustikoa Poliesterreko hosto akustikoa

Poliesterreko hosto akustikoa

Polyester Acoustic Leaf is cut from the polyester fiber panel. It is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching.

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1. Product Introduction of Polyester Acoustic Leaf

Polyester Acoustic Leaf is cut from the polyester fiber panel. It is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching. The product has the characteristics of decoration, heat preservation, flame retardant, environmental protection, light weight, easy processing, stability, impact resistance and easy maintenance. Become the preferred sound-absorbing material for interior decoration.


2. Specification of Polyester Acoustic Leaf


Polyester Fiber


9mm 12mm


1220x2420mm barruan






Acoustic and Decorative


3 .Poliesterreko hosto akustikoaren ezaugarriak

Dekoratzailea: panela tamaina eta forma desberdinetara moztu daiteke CNC ebaketa-makinaren bidez

Su-atzeratzailea: ASTM E84 saiakuntza A maila

Sound absorption: NRC0.7-0.95 with different air gap

Kolpearen aurkako erresistentzia, garbiketa erraza, iraunkorra, isolamendu termikoa, birziklatutako materiala eta ekologikoa. Beira-zuntzezko ohiko panel akustikoaren ordezko aproposa da

4 .Poliesterreko hosto akustikoaren aplikazioak

Poliesterrezko zuntzezko panela oso erabilia da arlo hauetan: zinema, antzerkia, osasun zentroa, merkatal guneak, klubak, hezkuntza gela, estadioa, etxeko dekorazioa, bulegoa, bafla, etxeko antzokia, bilera gela. Ingurune segurua, polita eta atsegina eskain dezake barruko jendeari.


5 Why Choose Qdboss Acoustic Polyester Acoustic Leaf

1. Qdboss has ten years production experience for acoustic panels

2. Milaka proiektu ditugu gure kalitate ona eta zerbitzua frogatzeko, batez ere zinema industrian. Top 10 zinema kateek gure zinema panel akustikoa erabiltzen dute

3. 7 workshops and experienced workers to ensure the fast and production and delivery

4. 24/7 available for any question about acoustic panel

5. Full set of SGS testing report available for fire, thermal resistance, formaldehyde release

6. Qdboss etxean eta atzerrian hainbat marka ospetsuren hornitzailea da


6 Nola instalatu poliester hosto akustikoa

1. Before construction, you need to pay attention to the problem of board selection and layout, and you need to pay special attention to the slight color difference. On the side of the paste, find the center and draw the cross line, and the way of scheduling is Similar to the way of laying bricks. However, it should be noted that during the entire process, you need to wear gloves for construction to avoid pollution.



2. When cutting the board, a steel ruler and a utility knife are usually used to better cut and modify the board. If it is necessary to reduce the seam, the blade needs to be inclined by 0.5~1mm, which can effectively reduce the gap.


3. When pasting, you can use white latex or non-intrinsic all-purpose glue, so that it can stick to the cement or wood base more effectively, and it will take longer to use

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