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Poliesterrezko sabaia esekitako panel akustikoen bafleak Manufacturers

Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. , established in 2008, which is one of China Polyester Acoustic Panel, Fiberglass Ceiling, Acoustic Baffle manufacturers, the leading supplier of acoustical materials product and fire retardant fabric used in architectural and industrial applications throughout the country. We are the supplier of Beijing Olympic National stadium "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube". 

Produktu beroak

  • Zarata xurgatzeko bulegoko panel akustikoak

    Zarata xurgatzeko bulegoko panel akustikoak

    QDBOSS Zarata Xurgatzeko Bulegoko Soinu Insonorizatuko Panel Akustikoak ondoko eremuetan erabiltzen dira: zinema, antzokiak, osasun zentroa, merkataritza-guneak, klubak, hezkuntza gela, estadioa, etxeko dekorazioa, bulegoa, bafflea, etxeko antzerkia, soinu insonorizatua tratamendua behar duten bilera-gela. Inguru seguru, lasai eta atsegina eman diezaioke barruko jendeari.
  • Cinema Room Fabric

    Cinema Room Fabric

    Cinema Room Fabric used for cinemas room must be flame retardant, it would keep the clients safe in case of fire and reduce the mortality and loss. Secondly the fabric has be sound absorbing. Cinema rooms are usually very large, if there is no acoustic treatment, there would be much echo and reverberation during the films, it would cause bad watching experience for the audience.
  • Panel akustikoak zintzilik

    Panel akustikoak zintzilik

    QDBOSS zintzilik dauden panel akustikoak dentsitate handiko beira-zuntzezko taulaz eta beira-zuntzezko feltroz ​​(kolore beltza, zuria edo pertsonalizatua) egina daude gainazalean, atzealdean ehundutako ehuna.
  • DIY Acoustic Fabric Wrapped Panel

    DIY Acoustic Fabric Wrapped Panel

    QDBOSS DIY ehun akustikoak bildutako panela kalitate handiko beira-zuntzezko taulak egina dago, suaren aurkako oihal ezberdinekin. Panel akustiko mota hau ingurumena errespetatzen du, oso erabilia da, soinua xurgatzen du, ondo dekoratzen du, erraz instalatzen da, hauts kutsadurarik ez du etab.
  • Intsonorizatutako Panel Akustikoa

    Intsonorizatutako Panel Akustikoa

    QDBOSS Soundproof Acoustic Panel uses high quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. This type of acoustic panel is environmental friendly, widely used, sound absorption, well decorative, easy installation, no dust pollution etc.
  • 100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

    100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

    100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, which is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching.

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