1. Product Introduction of DIY Acoustic Treatment
DIY tratamendu akustikoa ezaguna da azkenaldian. Jendeak tratamendu akustikoa bakarrik egitea gustatzen zaio. Poliester zuntzezko panela brikolajerako material ona da.
Polyester fiber panel is made of non-combustible, microporous treated special polyester fiber. There are a variety of colors and patterns of decorative cloth to choose from. As an acoustic material that has been widely used all over the world, it Proven to have excellent sound absorption properties. The appearance is beautiful and generous, and there is no lack of warm and elegant feeling. This product can not only reduce the noise, but also make the reverberation time reach the acoustic design standard, NRC>0.8, the acoustic adjustment is convenient, and it can provide users with the best acoustic solution. In addition to acoustic requirements, every indoor space has its own specific artistic pursuit. The choice of polyester fiber sound-absorbing board finishes is rich and colorful, which can be formulated according to the individual requirements of users, providing the greatest possibility for achieving your goals. Make the environmental sound quality fuller, clearer and richer in three-dimensional.
2 .Brikolajearen tratamendu akustikoaren aplikazioak
The polyester fiber panel is widely used in the following areas: Cinema, theater, healthcare center, shopping malls, clubs, education room, stadium, home decoration, office, baffle, home theater, meeting room. It can provide a safe, quite and delightful environment for the people inside.
3. Qdboss Akustikoa DIY Tratamendu Akustikoaren abantaila
Qdboss Acoustic-ek patentatutako teknologia du poliester zuntzezko panela ekoizteko garaian suaren atzera egiteko. Esan nahi da, gure panela ekoizpenaren ondoren suaren kontrakoa dela. Errendimendua FR zuntzez osatutako panela bezain ona da, kostua erdia da. Galtzerdi metodo zaharra ez bezala, ekoizpena egin bezain laster antolatu dezakegu bidalketa. Ingurune lagun gehiago, usainik gabe, ez pegatina edo gainazalean bustita.
4. DIY Tratamendu Akustikoaren kualifikazioa
7 tailer eta ekoizpen lerro moderno ditugu, patenteak teknologiarekin produktu egonkorrak egiteko. Qdboss-ek suaren kontrako brikolajearen tratamendu akustikoa sortzen du, oihalezko beira-zuntzezko panel akustikoa, beira-zuntzezko sabaia akustikoa.
5. DIY Tratamendu Akustikoa entregatzeko eta bidaltzeko zerbitzua
Qdboss DIY Acoustic Treatment is packed in durable cartons, it is safe to be shipped by truck, sea and plane. Qdboss factory is located in the Jiaozhou, Qingdao, only one hour drive to the famous Qingdao Port and Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport. It can save the domestic shipping cost and provide fast and convenient delivery
6. DIY Tratamendu Akustikoa gehiago prozesatzea
Amaitutako panela 2420 * 1220 mm-koa da, laukizuzenaren forma. Pala ebakitzeko estazioa eta laser bidezko ebaketa makina ditugu. Eta panela tamaina desberdinetan moztu daiteke, hala nola 1200x1200, 1200x600, 600x600, 300x300, edo forma biribilean, hexagonala edo edozein forma irregularrekin.
The four edges can be beveled, the connecting parts looks more natural on the wall in this way.
Kolore zuria ereduekin edo irudiekin inprimatu daiteke, apaingarriagoa izan dadin.
7 Packing of DIY Acoustic Treatment
We have standard carton packing for the full size polyester fiber panel (1220x2420*9mm), 10 pieces per carton, and the carton size is 2450x1250x105mm. Custom size cartons can also be made according to the sizes required by the client. And non-fumigation pallet can also be used upon request
8 Loading Quantity of DIY Acoustic Treatment
The full size polyester panel can be loaded 800 pieces in 20ft container.
Tamaina osoko poliester panelak 1600 pieza karga daitezke 40 oinetako GP ontzian.
Tamaina osoko poliester panelak 1900 pieza karga daitezke 40 ft HC ontzian.
And more quantity can be loaded if the polyester panel is cut to small sizes.