1.Introduction of Polyester fiber acoustic panel
Polyester fiber acoustic panel is synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%. We also have patent technique for permanent fire retardant with our quality acoustic panels. There are more than 44 colors for you to select. You can also cut the acoustic board into any shape as your requirements.
Gure poliester zuntzezko panel akustikoa leku publiko askotan erabil daiteke zineman, antzokietan, dantza aretoetan, auditoriumean, erabilera anitzeko aretoan, gimnasioan, etab. Isolamendu termikoaren, suaren kontrako babesaren, hautsaren prebentzioaren, pisu arinaren eta desintegrazioaren abantailak ditu. Gainera, soinu xurgapen efektu hobea, indar handia, dekorazio ona, instalazio erraza, ingurumena errespetatzen ditu.
2.Specification Of Polyester fiber acoustic panel
produktuaren izena |
Polyester Acoustic Panel Painting |
Materiala |
% 100 Poliesterrezko zuntza |
Density |
200kg/m3 |
Pisua |
1.8kg/m3 |
Neurria |
1220 * 2420mm |
Lodiera |
3mm - 15mm edo pertsonalizatutako lodiera |
Su-atzeratzailea (CNS) |
B1 |
A klasea |
0.85-0.95 |
ECO Grade |
E1 |
Ziurtagiriak |
American CA117, British BS5852, Australian AS1530, CE |
Colors |
More than 44 colors available or customized colors |
(1). Sound-adsorbing wall panel and suspended ceiling
(2). Barruko hormako dekorazio panela
(3). Polyester Acoustic Panel Painting is Insulation materials
4.Details Of Polyester Acoustic Panel Painting
Irudi hauek Poliesterreko Panel Akustikoen Pintura hobeto ulertzen lagunduko dutela espero dute.
5. Poliesterrezko Panel Akustikoen Pintura entregatzeko eta bidaltzeko zerbitzua
Packaging details:
9 mm-ko lodierako maskota panel akustikoa 10pcs / carton
12 mm-ko lodierako maskota panel akustikoa 8pcs / carton
Shipping methods:
Airez edo espresuki: Fedex, UPS, DHL edo Air paketea.
Itsasoz: Qingdaoko itsas portutik
Trenez edo lehorrez
Payment methods:
T/T, Paypal, Western union, Moneygram, Cash
6. Galdera arrunta
Q: What's the material of PET acoustic panels ?
E: Materiala% 100 birziklatutako poliester zuntza da, plastikozko botiletakoa.
Q: What is the NRC of Polyester Acoustic Panel Painting ?
A: NRC 0,85 izatera iritsi daiteke
Q: Can PET panels be flame retardant? Any certifications ?
A: Bai, su retardanten patentea dugu, gure maskota panel guztiak suaren aurkako iraunkorrak dira, ASTM KLASEA eta EN13501 B KLASEA gainditu dituzte.
G: Poliester zuntzezko panel akustikoen fabrikatzailea al zara?
A: Yes, we are the largest acoustic materials manufacturer in China located in Qingdao, Shandong Province, Our factory's area is 40000 square meters.
G: Zein da zure epea?
A: For stocked panels, it's around 3-5 days, for custom panels, it is 7-10 days.
G: Zein da zure MOQ?
Q: How do you get goods delivered ?
A: Itsasoz, airez eta espresuki
Q: Are you able to do OEM for Polyester fiber acoustic panel ?
A: Bai, gure indarguneetako bat OEM da
Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. founded in 2008,is largest professional polyester acoustic panel manufacturer in China. Our Polyester Acoustic Panel Painting are eco-friendly, sound absorbing, flame resistant and thermal insulation. We have an outstanding engineer team and effective production line to maintain strict quality control system. Our company has won a great reputation in the global market with the best products and an excellent service. We are always awaiting to work with you.