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Poliesterrezko Soinua Murrizteko Panelak
  • Poliesterrezko Soinua Murrizteko Panelak Poliesterrezko Soinua Murrizteko Panelak

Poliesterrezko Soinua Murrizteko Panelak

Polyester Sound Dampening Panels are synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%.

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Produktuaren Deskribapena

1. Poliester zuntzezko panel akustikoaren sarrera

Polyester fiber acoustic panel is synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%. We also have patent technique for permanent fire retardant with our acoustic panels. There are more than 44 colors for you to select. You can also cut the acoustic board into any shape as your requirements.


Gure poliester zuntzezko panel akustikoa leku publiko askotan erabil daiteke zineman, antzokietan, dantzalekuetan, auditoriumean, erabilera anitzeko aretoan, gimnasioan, etab. Poliesterreko Panel Akustikoa ezin hobea da hormako edozein egoeretarako diseinu irtenbide praktikoa eta sentitua izateko. Akabera itxura koloretsua ez ezik, abantaila akustiko handiak ere eskaintzen ditu.

Poliesterrezko Panel Akustikoak MDF edo igeltsuzko plaken tamaina baliokideen herena du. Aurpegi amaitutako produktua da, pin-gai da, argala, eta alde biko edo alde bakarreko panel gisa erabil daiteke, linea argiko enkoadratze sistemetan sartzearen eta pisu arinari aurre egiteko bolumen txikiagoa izatea onura desiragarriak emanez.

Due to it being a finished surface in itself, Echo Panel reduces costs in labor and materials in many applications, including workstations and wall panel.


2. Poliester zuntzezko panel akustikoaren zehaztapena

Product Name

Polyester sound dampening panels


100% Polyester Fiber


200kg / m3






3mm - 15mm or customized thickness

Flame retardant (CNS)



A klasea



ECO kalifikazioa



American CA117, British BS5852, Australian AS1530, CE


44 kolore baino gehiago eskuragarri edo pertsonalizatutako koloreak


(1).  Sound-adsorbing wall panel and suspended ceiling

(2). Barruko hormako dekorazio panela

(3).  Polyester sound dampening panels is Insulation materials

4. Poliester soinua moteltzeko panelen xehetasunak

Irudi hauek Poliester soinuaren moteltze panelak hobeto ulertzen lagunduko dutela espero dute.


5. Poliester soinua moteltzeko panelen entrega eta bidalketa zerbitzua

Packaging details:

9 mm-ko lodierako maskota panel akustikoa 10pcs / carton

12mm thickness pet acoustic panel 8pcs/carton

Bidalketa metodoak:

By air or express:  Fedex, UPS, DHL or Air parcel.

By sea: From Qingdao seaport

By Train or by land

Payment methods:

T / T, Paypal, Western union, Moneygram, Cash



Q: What's the material of PET acoustic panels ?

A: The material is 100% recycled polyester fiber, which is from plastic bottles.

Q: What is the NRC of Polyester sound dampening panels? 

A: NRC can reach 0.85

Q: Can PET panels be flame retardant? Any certifications ?

A: Bai, su retardanten patentea dugu, gure maskota panel guztiak suaren aurkako iraunkorrak dira, ASTM KLASEA eta EN13501 B KLASEA gainditu dituzte.

G: Poliester zuntzezko panel akustikoen fabrikatzailea al zara?

A: Yes, we are the largest acoustic materials manufacturer in China located in Qingdao, Shandong Province, Our factory's area is 40000 square meters.

G: Zein da zure epea?

A: For stocked panels, it's around 3-5 days, for custom panels, it is 7-10 days.

Q: What is your MOQ?

A: MOQrik ez

Q: How do you get goods delivered ?

A: By sea, by air and by express

G: Gai al zara Poliester zuntzezko panel akustikorako OEMak egiteko?

A: Yes, One of our strength is OEM



Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. founded in 2008,is largest professional polyester acoustic panel manufacturer in China. Our Polyester sound dampening panels are eco-friendly, sound absorbing, flame resistant and thermal insulation. We have an outstanding engineer team and effective production line to maintain strict quality control system. Our company has won a great reputation in the global market with the best products and an excellent service. We are always awaiting to work with you.

For 24 hours contact Qdboss acoustic solutions details as below:


Mugikorra / whatsapp / Wechat:



Hot Tags: Polyester Sound Dampening Panels, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesale, Buy, Factory, Customized, China, Made In China, Cheap, Discount, Low Price, Buy Discount, Price, Quotation, CE
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