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Beira artilezko sabaiko panelak soinuaren kalitatea hobetzeko Manufacturers

Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. , established in 2008, which is one of China Polyester Acoustic Panel, Fiberglass Ceiling, Acoustic Baffle manufacturers, the leading supplier of acoustical materials product and fire retardant fabric used in architectural and industrial applications throughout the country. We are the supplier of Beijing Olympic National stadium "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube". 

Produktu beroak

  • Bulegoko sabaiko bafle akustikoa

    Bulegoko sabaiko bafle akustikoa

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    PET panela

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  • Polyester Fiber Panel

    Polyester Fiber Panel

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  • Polyester Acoustic Sound Panels

    Polyester Acoustic Sound Panels

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    Poliesterreko hosto akustikoa

    Polyester Acoustic Leaf is cut from the polyester fiber panel. It is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching.

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