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Poliesterrezko zuntza Insonorizatu Isolamendu Materiala Panel akustikoak Manufacturers

Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. , established in 2008, which is one of China Polyester Acoustic Panel, Fiberglass Ceiling, Acoustic Baffle manufacturers, the leading supplier of acoustical materials product and fire retardant fabric used in architectural and industrial applications throughout the country. We are the supplier of Beijing Olympic National stadium "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube". 

Produktu beroak

  • Acrylic Flame Retardant Fabric

    Acrylic Flame Retardant Fabric

    Su Akrilikoa Retardant Fabric, polyacrylonitrile fibre izen zientifikoa, akrilonitrilo biraka egindako zuntz bat da, monomero nagusia (% 85etik gorako edukia) eta beste monomero kopuru txikia.
  • Polyester Fiber Acoustic Board

    Polyester Fiber Acoustic Board

    Polyester Fiber Acoustic Boards are made of non-combustible, microporous treated special polyester fiber. There are a variety of colors and patterns of decorative cloth to choose from.
  • Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

    Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

    Poliesterrezko zuntzezko panel akustikoari poliester zuntzezko soinua xurgatzeko panel dekoratiboa ere deitzen zaio, hau da, prentsa beroaren bidez eta orratzak zulatuz lehengai gisa poliester zuntzez egindako soinu xurgatzeko funtzioa duen material apaingarri mota.
  • Hitzaldi Aretoa Insonorizazioa

    Hitzaldi Aretoa Insonorizazioa

    QDBOSS Biltzar Aretoa Insonorizazio Panela kalitate handiko beira-zuntzezko oholez egina dago, suaren aurkako ehun estandar handikoarekin. Insonorizazio panelaren forma ezberdinetan moztu daiteke, eta ehuna kolore eta eredu desberdinak izan daitezke. Lanerako eta bizitzeko leku nahiko eta erosoa eskaintzen dizu.
  • Sound Absorbing Wall Panels

    Sound Absorbing Wall Panels

    Many materials can be used as sound absorbing wall panels, such as wood panel, fiberglass panel, and fabric acoustic panel. But here we introduce polyester fiber panel as the Sound absorbing wall panels.
  • Office Acoustic Baffle

    Office Acoustic Baffle

    When people do Office Acoustic Baffle to the inside a building, not only the walls need to be treated, but also the ceiling. Many materials can be used for the acoustic ceiling, such as mineral wool ceiling, fiberglass ceiling, wood ceiling, fiberglass ceiling.

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