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Sound Absorbing Wall Panels
  • Sound Absorbing Wall Panels Sound Absorbing Wall Panels

Sound Absorbing Wall Panels

Many materials can be used as sound absorbing wall panels, such as wood panel, fiberglass panel, and fabric acoustic panel. But here we introduce polyester fiber panel as the Sound absorbing wall panels.

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Produktuaren Deskribapena

1. Produktuaren aurkezpena soinua xurgatzeko hormako panelak

Many materials can be used as sound absorbing wall panels, such as wood panel, fiberglass panel, and fabric acoustic panel. But here we introduce polyester fiber panel as the Sound absorbing wall panels. polyester fiber panel is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, which is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching.

2. Soinua xurgatzeko hormako panelen zehaztapena


Poliesterrezko zuntza


9mm 12mm




1,2-2 kg / m²




Suaren aurkako eta Akustikoa


3 .Hotsak xurgatzeko hormako panelen ezaugarriak

Dekoratzailea: panela tamaina eta forma desberdinetara moztu daiteke CNC ebaketa-makinaren bidez

Flame-retardant: ASTM E84 Testing Class A Grade

Soinu xurgapena: NRC0.7-0.95 aire tarte desberdinekin

Impact resistance, easy to clear, durable, thermal insulation, recycled material and Eco- friendly. It is an ideal replacement for the traditional fiberglass acoustic panel


4. Soinua xurgatzen duten hormen panelak entregatzeko eta bidaltzeko zerbitzua

Qdboss Soinu xurgatzailea hormako panelak kaxa iraunkorretan josita dago, segurua da kamioiez, itsasoz eta hegazkinez bidaltzea. Qdboss fabrika Jiaozhou-n dago, Qingdaon, ordubete baino ez dago Qingdao portu ospetsura eta Qingdao Jiaodong nazioarteko aireportura. Etxeko bidalketa kostuak aurreztu eta entrega azkarra eta erosoa eman dezake


5. Soinua xurgatzeko hormako panelak gehiago prozesatzea

The finished panel is 2420*1220mm, rectangle shape. We have the blade cutting station and laser cutting machine. And the panel can be cut to different sizes such as 1200x1200, 1200x600, 600x600, 300x300, or in round, hexagon shape, or any irregular shapes.

The four edges can be beveled, the connecting parts looks more natural on the wall in this way.

Kolore zuria ereduekin edo irudiekin inprimatu daiteke, apaingarriagoa izan dadin.


6 Soinu xurgatzaileen hormako panelen karga

The full size polyester panel can be loaded 800 pieces in 20ft container.

Tamaina osoko poliester panelak 1600 pieza karga daitezke 40 oinetako GP ontzian.

The full size polyester panel can be loaded 1900 pieces in 40ft HC container.

Poliesterrezko panela tamaina txikira mozten bada kantitate gehiago karga daiteke.


7 Why Choose Qdboss Acoustic Sound absorbing wall panels

1. Qdboss-ek hamar urteko esperientzia du panel akustikoen ekoizpenean

2. We have thousands of projects to prove our good quality and service, especially in the cinema industry, Top 10 cinemas chains are using our cinema acoustic panel

3. 7 tailer eta esperientzia duten langileak azkarra eta ekoizpena eta entrega ziurtatzeko

4. 24/7 panel akustikoari buruzko edozein zalantza eskuratzeko

5. Full set of SGS testing report available for fire, thermal resistance, formaldehyde release

6. Qdboss is the supplier for several famous brand at home and abroad

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